XML Definitionen

Dieses Kapitel enthält die XML Definitionen der im Raptor System verwendeten Dateiformate. Du kannst sie mit einem entsprechenden Editor verwenden um die Syntax deiner Dateien zu überprüfen und bessere Vorschläge für neue Elemente zu erhalten.


  1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  3        xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  4        attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
  5        elementFormDefault="qualified"
  6        xmlns="http://educateit.ch/software/Raptor/AccessRules/1"
  7        targetNamespace="http://educateit.ch/software/Raptor/AccessRules/1"
  8        xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
 11    <!--
 12        Common definitions
 13    -->
 14    <xs:simpleType name="ObjectType">
 15        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
 16            <xs:enumeration value="User"/>
 17            <xs:enumeration value="Computer"/>
 18            <xs:enumeration value="WebPage"/>
 19            <xs:enumeration value="Application"/>
 20            <xs:enumeration value="Process"/>
 21        </xs:restriction>
 22    </xs:simpleType>
 25    <!-- Definition of the boolean matching rules -->
 26    <xs:complexType name="AccessStringCompareType">
 27        <xs:simpleContent>
 28            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
 29                <xs:attribute name="caseSensitivity" default="CaseSensitive" use="optional">
 30                    <xs:annotation>
 31                        <xs:documentation>Specifies if this operation should work case sensitive or case insensitive.
 32                        </xs:documentation>
 33                    </xs:annotation>
 34                    <xs:simpleType>
 35                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
 36                            <xs:enumeration value="CaseSensitive"/>
 37                            <xs:enumeration value="CaseInsensitive"/>
 38                        </xs:restriction>
 39                    </xs:simpleType>
 40                </xs:attribute>
 41            </xs:extension>
 42        </xs:simpleContent>
 43    </xs:complexType>
 45    <xs:group name="AccessValueMatchElements">
 46        <xs:choice>
 47            <xs:element name="Contains" type="AccessStringCompareType">
 48                <xs:annotation>
 49                    <xs:documentation>
 50                        This operation is true if the given string is contained in the matching string.
 51                        If this operation is applied on a list of strings, every string in the list is tested. If
 52                        one string in the list matches, the result of this operation is true. If this operation
 53                        is applied on any other type. The type is converted into a string, which can lead
 54                        to undefined behavior.
 55                    </xs:documentation>
 56                </xs:annotation>
 57            </xs:element>
 58            <xs:element name="Equals" type="AccessStringCompareType">
 59                <xs:annotation>
 60                    <xs:documentation>
 61                        This operation is true if the given string is equal to the matching string.
 62                        If this operation is applied on a list of strings, every string in the list is tested. If
 63                        one string in the list matches, the result of this operation is true. If this operation
 64                        is applied to an integer, an integer comparison is done. If this operation is
 65                        applied to an boolean, an boolean comparsion is done. Valid boolean values are
 66                        "true" and "false". For any other type, the type is converted into a string, which can
 67                        lead to undefined behaviour.
 68                    </xs:documentation>
 69                </xs:annotation>
 70            </xs:element>
 71            <xs:element name="RegExp" type="AccessStringCompareType">
 72                <xs:annotation>
 73                    <xs:documentation>
 74                        This operation is true, if the given regular expression matches the tested string.
 75                        For any other type, the type is converted into a string, which can lead to
 76                        undefined behaviour.
 77                    </xs:documentation>
 78                </xs:annotation>
 79            </xs:element>
 80            <xs:element name="MinInclusive" type="xs:integer">
 81                <xs:annotation>
 82                    <xs:documentation>
 83                        This operation is true if the tested integer is greater or equal the given value.
 84                        For any other type, the operation is false.
 85                    </xs:documentation>
 86                </xs:annotation>
 87            </xs:element>
 88            <xs:element name="MaxInclusive" type="xs:integer">
 89                <xs:annotation>
 90                    <xs:documentation>
 91                        This operation is true if the tested integer is less or equal the given value.
 92                        For any other type, the operation is false.
 93                    </xs:documentation>
 94                </xs:annotation>
 95            </xs:element>
 96            <xs:element name="And" type="AccessValueMatchGroupType">
 97                <xs:annotation>
 98                    <xs:documentation>
 99                        The boolean "and" operation contains a list of operations which all have to be true
100                        to make the "and" operation true.
101                    </xs:documentation>
102                </xs:annotation>
103            </xs:element>
104            <xs:element name="Or" type="AccessValueMatchGroupType">
105                <xs:annotation>
106                    <xs:documentation>
107                        The boolean "or" operation contains a list of operations. If one of this
108                        operations is true, the "or" operation is true.
109                    </xs:documentation>
110                </xs:annotation>
111            </xs:element>
112            <xs:element name="Not" type="AccessValueMatchSingleType">
113                <xs:annotation>
114                    <xs:documentation>
115                        The boolean "not" operation contains one single operation. It reverses the result of
116                        this operation and returns the opposite result.
117                    </xs:documentation>
118                </xs:annotation>
119            </xs:element>
120        </xs:choice>
121    </xs:group>
123    <xs:complexType name="AccessValueMatchGroupType">
124        <xs:group ref="AccessValueMatchElements" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
125    </xs:complexType>
127    <xs:complexType name="AccessValueMatchSingleType">
128        <xs:group ref="AccessValueMatchElements"/>
129    </xs:complexType>
131    <xs:complexType name="AccessAnyMatchType">
132        <!-- must be empty -->
133    </xs:complexType>
135    <!-- the definition of the controlled subject elements-->
136    <xs:group name="AccessCSElements">
137        <xs:choice>
138            <xs:element name="LoginUsername" type="AccessValueMatchSingleType">
139                <xs:annotation>
140                    <xs:documentation>Matches the name of the user which is accessing the resource.</xs:documentation>
141                </xs:annotation>
142            </xs:element>
143            <xs:element name="LoginGroup" type="AccessValueMatchSingleType">
144                <xs:annotation>
145                    <xs:documentation>Matches the list of groups in which the logged in user is member of.
146                    </xs:documentation>
147                </xs:annotation>
148            </xs:element>
149            <xs:element name="Any" type="AccessAnyMatchType">
150                <xs:annotation>
151                    <xs:documentation>The "any" operation is true in every case and can be used as wildcard.
152                    </xs:documentation>
153                </xs:annotation>
154            </xs:element>
155            <xs:element name="And" type="AccessCSGroupType">
156                <xs:annotation>
157                    <xs:documentation>
158                        The boolean "and" operation contains a list of operations which all have to be true
159                        to make the "and" operation true.
160                    </xs:documentation>
161                </xs:annotation>
162            </xs:element>
163            <xs:element name="Or" type="AccessCSGroupType">
164                <xs:annotation>
165                    <xs:documentation>
166                        The boolean "or" operation contains a list of operations. If one of this
167                        operations is true, the "or" operation is true.
168                    </xs:documentation>
169                </xs:annotation>
170            </xs:element>
171            <xs:element name="Not" type="AccessCSSingleType">
172                <xs:annotation>
173                    <xs:documentation>
174                        The boolean "not" operation contains one single operation. It reverses the result of
175                        this operation and returns the opposite result.
176                    </xs:documentation>
177                </xs:annotation>
178            </xs:element>
179        </xs:choice>
180    </xs:group>
181    <xs:complexType name="AccessCSGroupType">
182        <xs:group ref="AccessCSElements" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
183    </xs:complexType>
184    <xs:complexType name="AccessCSSingleType">
185        <xs:group ref="AccessCSElements"/>
186    </xs:complexType>
188    <!-- the definition of the target elements -->
189    <xs:complexType name="AccessObjectValueMatchType">
190        <xs:complexContent>
191            <xs:extension base="AccessValueMatchSingleType">
192                <xs:attribute name="informationBlock" type="xs:string" use="required">
193                    <xs:annotation>
194                        <xs:documentation>The internal id of the information block.</xs:documentation>
195                    </xs:annotation>
196                </xs:attribute>
197                <xs:attribute name="valueName" type="xs:string" use="required">
198                    <xs:annotation>
199                        <xs:documentation>The internal name of the value.</xs:documentation>
200                    </xs:annotation>
201                </xs:attribute>
202            </xs:extension>
203        </xs:complexContent>
204    </xs:complexType>
205    <xs:group name="AccessTargetElements">
206        <xs:choice>
207            <xs:element name="ObjectType">
208                <xs:annotation>
209                    <xs:documentation>This matches the object type of the checked object.</xs:documentation>
210                </xs:annotation>
211                <xs:complexType>
212                    <xs:sequence>
213                        <xs:element name="Equals" type="ObjectType">
214                            <xs:annotation>
215                                <xs:documentation>Compares the object type.</xs:documentation>
216                            </xs:annotation>
217                        </xs:element>
218                    </xs:sequence>
219                </xs:complexType>
220            </xs:element>
221            <xs:element name="ObjectName" type="AccessValueMatchSingleType">
222                <xs:annotation>
223                    <xs:documentation>This matches the object name of the checked object.</xs:documentation>
224                </xs:annotation>
225            </xs:element>
226            <xs:element name="ObjectContext" type="AccessValueMatchSingleType">
227                <xs:annotation>
228                    <xs:documentation>This matches the object context of the checked object.</xs:documentation>
229                </xs:annotation>
230            </xs:element>
231            <xs:element name="ObjectValue" type="AccessObjectValueMatchType">
232                <xs:annotation>
233                    <xs:documentation>
234                        This matches an object value in a given information block.
235                        Note that this information block has to be a permanent block.
236                    </xs:documentation>
237                </xs:annotation>
238            </xs:element>
239            <xs:element name="Any" type="AccessAnyMatchType">
240                <xs:annotation>
241                    <xs:documentation>The "any" operation is true in every case and can be used as wildcard.
242                    </xs:documentation>
243                </xs:annotation>
244            </xs:element>
245            <xs:element name="And" type="AccessTargetGroupType">
246                <xs:annotation>
247                    <xs:documentation>
248                        The boolean "and" operation contains a list of operations which all have to be true
249                        to make the "and" operation true.
250                    </xs:documentation>
251                </xs:annotation>
252            </xs:element>
253            <xs:element name="Or" type="AccessTargetGroupType">
254                <xs:annotation>
255                    <xs:documentation>
256                        The boolean "or" operation contains a list of rules. If one of this
257                        operations is true, the "or" operation is true.
258                    </xs:documentation>
259                </xs:annotation>
260            </xs:element>
261            <xs:element name="Not" type="AccessTargetSingleType">
262                <xs:annotation>
263                    <xs:documentation>
264                        The boolean "not" operation contains one single rule. It reverses the result of
265                        this operation and returns the opposite result.
266                    </xs:documentation>
267                </xs:annotation>
268            </xs:element>
269        </xs:choice>
270    </xs:group>
271    <xs:complexType name="AccessTargetGroupType">
272        <xs:group ref="AccessTargetElements" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
273    </xs:complexType>
274    <xs:complexType name="AccessTargetSingleType">
275        <xs:group ref="AccessTargetElements"/>
276    </xs:complexType>
278    <!-- Every rule has to contain the subject and the target -->
279    <xs:complexType name="AccessRule">
280        <xs:sequence>
281            <xs:element name="ControlledSubject" type="AccessCSSingleType">
282                <xs:annotation>
283                    <xs:documentation>
284                        Defines the controlled subject for this rule. This should contain a single element to match the
285                        subject
286                        for which the access is controlled.
287                    </xs:documentation>
288                </xs:annotation>
289            </xs:element>
290            <xs:element name="Target" type="AccessTargetSingleType">
291                <xs:annotation>
292                    <xs:documentation>
293                        Defines the target for this rule. This should contain a single element to match the target
294                        for which the access is controlled.
295                    </xs:documentation>
296                </xs:annotation>
297            </xs:element>
298        </xs:sequence>
299        <xs:attribute name="scope" use="optional" default="Object">
300            <xs:annotation>
301                <xs:documentation>The scope of this rule. Object rules limit the access to whole objects.
302                </xs:documentation>
303            </xs:annotation>
304            <xs:simpleType>
305                <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
306                    <xs:enumeration value="Object">
307                        <xs:annotation>
308                            <xs:documentation>Limit the access for the whole object.</xs:documentation>
309                        </xs:annotation>
310                    </xs:enumeration>
311                </xs:restriction>
312            </xs:simpleType>
313        </xs:attribute>
314    </xs:complexType>
316    <!-- A sequence of Allow and Deny rules -->
317    <xs:complexType name="AccessType">
318        <xs:annotation>
319            <xs:documentation>The section with a list of access rules. The rules are processed in the order of
320                declaration.
321            </xs:documentation>
322        </xs:annotation>
323        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
324            <xs:element name="Allow" type="AccessRule">
325                <xs:annotation>
326                    <xs:documentation>
327                        An allow rule. If the controlled subject and the target of this rule match, the access is
328                        granted
329                        and the processing of further rules is stopped.
330                    </xs:documentation>
331                </xs:annotation>
332            </xs:element>
333            <xs:element name="Deny" type="AccessRule">
334                <xs:annotation>
335                    <xs:documentation>
336                        An deny rule. If the controlled subject and the target of this rule match, the access is
337                        rejected
338                        and the processing of further rules is stopped.
339                    </xs:documentation>
340                </xs:annotation>
341            </xs:element>
342        </xs:choice>
343        <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:integer"/>
344    </xs:complexType>
346    <xs:element name="AccessRules" type="AccessType"/>


 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 3        attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
 4        elementFormDefault="qualified"
 5        targetNamespace="http://educateit.ch/software/Raptor/ApplicationMap/1"
 6        xmlns="http://educateit.ch/software/Raptor/ApplicationMap/1"
 7        xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 8        xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
10    <xs:simpleType name="ApplicationName">
11        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
12            <xs:minLength value="1"/>
13            <xs:maxLength value="64"/>
14            <xs:pattern value="^[-a-zA-Z0-9._() ]+$"/>
15        </xs:restriction>
16    </xs:simpleType>
18    <xs:simpleType name="ProcessName">
19        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
20            <xs:pattern value="^[-a-zA-Z0-9._]+$"/>
21        </xs:restriction>
22    </xs:simpleType>
24    <xs:complexType name="Process">
25        <xs:attribute name="name" type="ProcessName"/>
26    </xs:complexType>
28    <xs:complexType name="Application">
29        <xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
30            <xs:element name="Process" type="Process" nillable="true"/>
31        </xs:sequence>
32        <xs:attribute name="name" type="ApplicationName" use="required"/>
33        <xs:attribute name="filtered" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/>
34    </xs:complexType>
36    <xs:element name="RaptorApplicationMap">
37        <xs:complexType>
38            <xs:sequence>
39                <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Application" type="Application"/>
40            </xs:sequence>
41            <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>
42        </xs:complexType>
44        <xs:unique name="UniqueApplicationName">
45            <xs:selector xpath="Application"/>
46            <xs:field xpath="@name"/>
47        </xs:unique>
49        <xs:unique name="UniqueProcessName">
50            <xs:selector xpath="Process"/>
51            <xs:field xpath="@name"/>
52        </xs:unique>
54    </xs:element>


 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 3        xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 4        attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
 5        elementFormDefault="qualified"
 6        xmlns="http://educateit.ch/software/Raptor/ExpertSystem/1"
 7        targetNamespace="http://educateit.ch/software/Raptor/ExpertSystem/1"
 8        xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
10    <xs:simpleType name="ObjectType">
11        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
12            <xs:enumeration value="User"/>
13            <xs:enumeration value="Computer"/>
14            <xs:enumeration value="WebPage"/>
15            <xs:enumeration value="Application"/>
16            <xs:enumeration value="Process"/>
17        </xs:restriction>
18    </xs:simpleType>
20    <xs:complexType name="ExpertSystemRuleType">
21        <xs:annotation>
22            <xs:documentation>
23                A test of the expert system. The content of this tag has to be a valid ECMA script.
24            </xs:documentation>
25        </xs:annotation>
26        <xs:simpleContent>
27            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
28                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required">
29                    <xs:annotation>
30                        <xs:documentation>
31                            The unique id of this test. The id should be a simple string identifier which is used to
32                            reference to this test. For example in error messages.
33                        </xs:documentation>
34                    </xs:annotation>
35                </xs:attribute>
36                <xs:attribute name="caption" type="xs:string" use="required">
37                    <xs:annotation>
38                        <xs:documentation>
39                            The human readable caption of this test. This caption is displayed
40                            in the client to identify this test for the user.
41                        </xs:documentation>
42                    </xs:annotation>
43                </xs:attribute>
44                <xs:attribute name="objectType" type="ObjectType" use="required">
45                    <xs:annotation>
46                        <xs:documentation>
47                            The type of object for which this test was written. The test is only executed for
48                            an object with the same type.
49                        </xs:documentation>
50                    </xs:annotation>
51                </xs:attribute>
52            </xs:extension>
53        </xs:simpleContent>
54    </xs:complexType>
56    <xs:complexType name="ExpertSystemType">
57        <xs:annotation>
58            <xs:documentation>
59                The expert system rule list. Contains a list of tests.
60            </xs:documentation>
61        </xs:annotation>
62        <xs:sequence>
63            <xs:element name="Test" type="ExpertSystemRuleType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
64        </xs:sequence>
65        <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:integer"/>
66    </xs:complexType>
68    <xs:element name="ExpertSystem" type="ExpertSystemType"/>